If you'll notice, up in that orange lettering I mention something about 'triumphant accomplishments and abject failures'. Today is an triumphant accomplishment day, following some serious abject failureness.
On Monday, I got a C on my Theories of Personality quiz. That sucked, but oh well, ya know? Life moves on.
Then on Thursday, I got my math quiz back. The one I spend five hours poring over. The one that kept me up half the night worrying about whether I gave correct answers.
In the trademark, expected fire engine red of a teacher's marking pen was my grade.
62. No positive encouragement, no percent dealiemabob, just that 62 staring me in the face. 62 is a heck of a lot closer to zero than I was hoping for. That's like D range. This brings my D range accomplishments up to four. If I get a nice round five accomplishments, I might just fritz out. Not joking.
But today a sweet friend who sits in front of me in Math 223 spent an hour of her Memorial Day Weekend doing service. She sat down and walked me through my errors, then explained what I should have done. I am so grateful. My teacher is merciful enough to let us correct our errors, then turn the whole thing back in for reassessment. It doesn't get rid of the scary grade, but if I'm lucky, I'll pull an 80 out of this mess. 80 I can handle. 80 says moderately competent. Not like 62. 62 says "I Have No Idea How To Run This Thing", in big caps, just like that.
So adding my abject failures and triumphant corrections, I'm averaging out to a positive expectation for the weekend.
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